Here is one that was bid up to $120 although it did not meet the reserve.

Right now the eBay market is depressed (I assumed due to the economy) and it is a good time to buy. In general, I think the premium for the 1918 date now would not be much more than 10-20% over a 1917 date in the same condition. Generally only serious bayonet collectors that are finishing out a group of the Model 1917 are interested, and since they can now be found without too much work, the premium they will pay is not as high as it once was. Most collectors are simply looking for one to add to their rifle, or just to have one, and they won't pay a premium simply because of the date mark. Quite a few were in the batches that AIM and SOG brought in a few years back so they are not as hard to find as they used to be.